cumulus shiba


CUMULUS SHIBA in new era
Sameen Zhang, the thrid generation in runing the kennel, took over the kennel in 2019 and decided to carry over our beloved Shibas from Taiwan to the land of Prairies. Inherited from the finest bloodlines in the world, Sam made her efforts to further focus on promoting the health and welfare of companion Shibas.
talkedable BREEDER
As an ethical breeder, our breeding plan is extinguishing with the consideration of both the physical health and mental well-being of puppies. We place the greatest value on the maternal health of our Shibas throughout all of our breeding programs. Thus, each dog's health records and temperament observations will be kept in their portfolios. This portfolio will be given to the new owner at the time of transfer.
A breeding kennel is a business dealing with lived beings, creating a new life for families; for that reason, communication is one of the most important parts of a breeding business. Every request will receive a response within 2 business days, and we give advice to every Shiba we sell as needed. Receiving feedback from families and owners is also valued in moving forward our breeding programs. Feel free to chat with Cumulus Shiba!
kennel history
Our 1st Generation
Showing and breeding practices trace all the way back to the 1980s in our family. Our current foundation was built by Brahma No Mitsuyo/梵天の光代 in 2006. Benefiting from decades of practice with NIPPO, we introduced five different lineages from the Nippo Grand National BIS 大臣賞 level to the lineage Brahma No Mitsuyo/梵天の光代, setting up the foundation of Cumulus Shiba.

presevarion of the native Breed
—— introduce shibas into modern life
The significant lineage change in 2006 was brought about by the idea of introducing native breeds that often breed and live in fields to modern urban life. Selective breeding practices were recorded from systematic mating of the lineage Brahma No Mitsuyo/梵天の光代 with lineages of four different sires:
- Koujinryuu Go Tosa Kuroshiosou 光神竜号
- Aoinishiki Go Sanuki Mizumotosou 葵錦号
- Sanryuu Go Houfu Ooshima Kensha 山竜号
- Tetsunishiki Go Kazansou 徹錦号
As a result of systematic breeding over two decades, we have introduced multiple lineages into the existing five lineages, kept a higher ratio of dams and sires, and successfully maintained a balance between selecting Shibas' native traits and characters fit for modern lifestyles.

Currently, most of our Shiba lineage is from the above five lines. We often introduce a new sire at three-year intervals and a new dam at five-year intervals. The following list shows how our current Shibas are linked back to these five lineages. Please feel free to refer back to our Shiba page for more information.
Brahma No Mitsuyo/梵天の光代 - The foundation with the most stable bone structure and excellent adaptability. Inheriting and passing satisfactory genetic traits to her offspring, 光代 became one of the key Shibas who initiated our process of advocating urban life for Shibas back in the 2000s.
Known offspring in our kennel: Che Jiang
Koujinryuu Go Tosa Kuroshiosou 光神竜号 - 2010 Nippo Grand National BIS, known for his fearless nature, standardized head structure, and desired pigmentation.
Known offspring in our kennel: Juhouryuu Go Chaihong; Feng Mei Ji, Hui Xiang
Aoinishiki Go Sanuki Mizumotosou 葵錦号 - BOB Nippo Grand National 1999, one of the four Shibas that built the preservation foundation after WWII. One of the best-preserved Shibas in terms of eye structures and body balance in history. Although his traits carried an undesired depigmentation issue, we managed depigmentation through systematic mating with other lineages.
Known offspring in our kennel: Honjouno No Aoiryuu; Xiang-Long; Wan Wan; RuoMei; Xiang-Dou; Wan Qian; Wan Guan
Sanryuu Go Houfu Ooshima Kensha 山竜号 - Seiken class, Nippo Grand National 2019, known for his heritage stability. Sanryuu Go heritage from multiple NIPPO Grand National BOBs up to 5 generations. His son Yamanojou Go ranked #1 Black Shiba from 2021-2023 in the Overseas NIPPO Club. Yamanojou Go retired from the show ring in 2024 but still serves as one of our black Shiba breeding lines.
Known offspring in our kennel: Yamanojou Go; Wu-Que; Chang-Ann; Chang-Le;
Chang-LeTetsunishiki Go Kazansou 徹錦号 - 2003 Nippo Grand National BOB, one of the four Shibas that built the preservation foundation after WWII. Tetsunishiki Go contributed to our linebreeding, successfully guiding our breeding projects regarding population adaptability, trainability, and excellent movement.